SJCC in January 2023

SJCC President with Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin

Dear Members and Friends
I am pleased to send you the first President’s letter of the year.
Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda is due to step down in April after the longest stint at the helm of the central bank in its 140-year history. He has spearheaded the most ambitious monetary stimulus program of modern times, with measures that have turned the bank into the largest owner of stocks and government bonds in Japan and made it the last major anchor of ultra-low interest rates in the world. The BOJ’s first change of guard in a decade could have wide-reaching ripple effects in global financial markets if investors sense a potential change in that policy
… considerations, candidates, deputies, procedure (see also latest UBS Japanese Economic Report).
The Chamber looks back on a successful 2022, with highlights such as welcoming Swiss National Bank Chairman Thomas Jordan and Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin (Head of Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research) and, in cooperation with the Europa Institute Zurich, Nobel Prize Laureate Shinya Yamanaka.
The Chamber began the new year with its traditional Shinnenkai at the Zunfthaus zur Meisen on 9th January. Ambassador Heinrich Schellenberg (Head of the Asia and Pacific Division at the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs in Bern) gave an interesting update of the Swiss-Japanese relations. Furthermore, the Chamber had the great honour to welcome H.E. Yoshinori Fujiyama, Ambassador of Japan, who gave a toast at the sake barrel opening ceremony “Kagami Biraki”. Chikako Fukami Thomsen gave a beautiful demonstration of calligraphy. Around a hundred guests attended the successful event and enjoyed Sushi provided by our member Sala of Tokyo.
A visit of a Japanese company in March as well as the Annual General Meeting in May are planned. You’ll receive all details in due time.
Last but not least, I wish to inform you that the Chamber is now offering its members interesting annual sponsorship opportunities in Platinum, Gold and Supporter categories. We look forward to providing you with more information.
I would like to thank you very much for your valued and continuous support of the Chamber and I hope to see you again very soon.
Kind regards
Martin Herb
President SJCC