Message of the President
SJCC starts with a New Team in the New Year 2016! Dear Members and Friends, It is my pleasure to inform you that I was elected by the Board as the new President of the Swiss-Japanese […]
Report 2015 of the President by Dr Felix Bossert (President 2014/15)
In 2015, the Chamber delivered many networking activities for its members which is best reflected by the program, chronologically reported as follows: 12 January: Shinnenkai at the Zunfthaus zur Meisen, ZurichSpeaker: Dr Rudolf Minsch, Chief Economist […]
Farewell Speech by Paul Dudler, Chairman of the SJCC Scholarship Fund
On the occasion of the Bonenkai on 7 December 2015, Paul Dudler gave his Farewell Speech looking back at 15 years as Chairman of the SJCC Scholarship Fund. After his speech, Paul Dudler was awarded an honorary […]
Lunch event with Prof. Dr. David Chiavacci, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich, 24 November 2015
New Migration & Migration Policy in Japan Japan might not be the first countries that comes to our minds when thinking of migration; foreign residents represent less than 2% of the population. However, as David Chiavacci, […]
Japans Firmen zieht es dank hoher Integration mit Europa in die Schweiz
Japanischen Unternehmen gibt der Markt Europa noch oft Rätsel auf. Obwohl die EU sowie die restlichen europäischen Staaten wirtschaftlich stark integriert sind, werden allein in der EU 24 Amtssprachen gesprochen. Jedes Land hat eine unterschiedliche Mehrwertsteuer, […]
An evening with … Patrick Zoll
Since 1957, the NZZ has dispatched journalists to Tokyo to cover news from Japan, Korea and Taiwan. Today, Patrick Zoll covers the area of politics and headline events, such as natural catastrophes, in this vast region […]
Schweizer Premiere an der Medtec
Holografien von lebenden Zellen, gehirngesteuerte Roboterhände, Pulsschlag-Sensoren in T-Shirts – das waren einige der Schweizer Innovationen in der Medizintechnologie, die zur Premiere eines Schweizer Pavillons auf der Fachmesse Medtec in Tokyo gezeigt wurden. Dieser Artikel ist […]
AGM and Presentation by Andreas Umbach, President and CEO of Landis + Gyr
“I know there is strength in the differences between us” Toshiba Corporation acquired Landis+Gyr to add smart metering as a key element of Smart Grids to their portfolio and as an enabler for Toshiba’s vision of […]
Message of the President
Annual Report 2014 It was not me but Henry Wegmann who led the Chamber for almost the entire year. In fact, his last official act took place in July 2014. As from October, I had to […]
SJCC Visit to Christian Fischbacher AG, St. Gallen
Few Swiss entrepreneurs have such extensive first hand experience about Japan as Michael Fischbacher, CEO in the sixth generation of Christian Fischbacher AG. We were honoured to be his guests! Read more …
SJCC at DMG MORI Global Headquarter Winterthur
On Friday, the 22nd of May 2015, the Swiss-Japanese chamber of commerce had the possibility to visit the newest success in location promotion of the Zurich metropolitan area. Located in the traditional industrial area of Winterthur, […]
Nachhaltiges Zeichen der Freundschaft
Ein Jahr nach der Pflanzung von 60 japanischen Kirschbäumen zum Zeichen der blühenden Handels- und Wirtschaftsbeziehung zwischen der Schweiz und Japan trafen sich die Patinnen und Gönner der Baumzierde. In der Gegenwart von Stadtpräsident Michael Künzle […]