Report 2015 of the President by Dr Felix Bossert (President 2014/15)
In 2015, the Chamber delivered many networking activities for its members which is best reflected by the program, chronologically reported as follows:
12 January: Shinnenkai at the Zunfthaus zur Meisen, Zurich
Speaker: Dr Rudolf Minsch, Chief Economist of economiesuisse: “Outlook on the Economy 2015”
22 May: Company visit to DMG Mori Seiki Headquarters Europe, Winterthur
Speaker: Dr Harald Neun, CEO: “Company Portrait, Facility Tour and Machine Demonstration 3-D”
12 June: Company visit to Christian Fischbacher Co. AG, St. Gallen
Speaker: Michael Fischbacher, CEO, “Company Portrait and Visit to the Design Studio”
30 June: AGM at Hotel Hyatt, Zurich
Speaker: Andreas Umbach, CEO Landis & Gyr AG: “Landis & Gyr and Toshiba”
11 September: Lecture at Park Villa Rieter, Rietberg Museum, Zurich
Speaker: Patrick Zoll, NZZ Far East Asia Correspondent in Tokyo: “An Evening with … Patrick Zoll”
13-20 October: Delegationsreise Japan in wirtschaftspolitischer Mission, Tokyo
Organized by Wirtschaftsförderung Kanton Zurich and Stadt Winterthur, SCCIJ, SJCC et al.
24 November: Lecture at Zunfthaus zur Waag, Zurich
Speaker Prof. Dr. David Chiavacci: “New Migration and Migration Policy in Japan”
7 December: Bonnenkai at Zunfthaus zur Waag, Zurich
Speaker: Masakazu Nakamura, CEO Sunstar S.A., Etoy: “Globalization ot the Sunstar Group and the Role of Switzerland“
For those who could not attend, the Office started with publishing articles with photos, written by various authors, on the website
In the reporting period, the Executive Committee met four times separately from the Board, and the Board met three times to fulfil its statutory obligations. The EXCO meetings covered the normal items such as membership development, finance matters, event planning, scholarship fund, exchange of views with partner organisations, but also extra-ordinary items such as the revision of policy and strategy, the definition of the roles and responsibilities of the members of the executive committee, the revision of the Articles of Association in view of modern governance, latter yet to be debated by the Board. In spring, the Board called a sub-committee Finding Commission. Under the lead of former president René Jaccoud, Paris, they proposed a long-term strategy Sustainable Fast Track Development, respective new structure and searched for the next president. The Board took respective decisions at the end of the year and elected a new crew to start immediately. Last but not least, the Chamber bid fare-well to the chairman of the Scholarship Fund, Mr Paul Dudler, who successfully served for more than fifteen years. The Chamber maintained excellent relationships to the Embassy and Jetro throughout the year.
As former president, I thank the Board for its confidence, the committee members for their strong endeavours and the Managing Director, Dr Paul Peyrot, for his highly appreciated support to the Chamber during the years. Now, I wish my successor Mr Martin Herb all the best and may the Chamber prosper in the years to come.