New Open-access Publication of the First Diplomatic Agreement Between Switzerland and Japan

Jubilee Appraisal and Reproduction of the 1864 Original Versions of the Treaty of Friendship and Commerce Switzerland – Japan
Extract of the Preface for this digital book by Didier Burkhalter, Federal Councillor and Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs:
“In 1863, a Swiss delegation headed by the President of the National Council arrived in the port of Yokohama after a sea voyage marked by many hardships. The delegation’s mission was to establish trade relations with Japan in the name of the Swiss government.
A treaty of amity and commerce between Japan and Switzerland was signed in Edo on 6 February 1864.
To celebrate 150 years of diplomatic relations, I had the honor, on behalf of the Federal Council and the people of Switzerland, to present a reproduction of this treaty, which is stored in Switzerland, to His Excellency, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
The original treaty marked the beginning of countless fruitful exchanges between our two nations. It gives me particular pleasure that we are now able to publish this treaty on the internet.”
This Jubilee Appraisal and Reproduction of the 1864 Original Versions of the Treaty of Friendship and Commerce Switzerland – Japan was directed and edited by Phillipe Dallais. It is availble here: