One Month Left to Apply for a Scholarship for a “Year in Japan”
Twice a year the committee of SJCC Scholarship Fund reviews applications of young, motivated Swiss residents that hope to get support to spend a year in Japan dedicated to Japanese language training and acquiring first hand professional experience in a Japanese business environment through an internship.
New Application Procedure
In 2017 the selection process has been restructured with two application deadlines per year, the next one coming up on 30 September 2017. Successful candidates need to pass two rounds of interviews where they also have to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of Japanese.
During their time in Japan, scholarship recipients report on their experience with two reports. A selection of those valuable documents with current information from Japan are published online. After the completion of the Year in Japan, scholarship recipients become part of the SJCC Young Professionals.
Broad Support for a long standing tradition
Since its establishment in 1988 the SJCC Scholarship Fund has granted scholarships to over 225 qualified candidates amounting to approx. CHF 2’850’000. In 2016, 28 individuals expressed interest in a scholarship out of which 7 submitted the extensive formal documents required. 3 were finally chosen to receive scholarships.
In 2016, for the first time ever, the Swiss Chamber Commerce & Industry in Japan (SCCIJ) has participated as a new sponsoring partner. In the same year, GC Corporation, became the first ever Japanese company to join the donors of the Scholarship Fund. New, additional sponsors are foreseen for 2017, which is a very encouraging development.